Friday, July 28, 2006

The Basics

You must have at least 10 people to make a team.

Each team member must fill out a registration form OR register online.
A team member can only register online if the Team Captain has FIRST created the team online.

Each team member must pay $35 OR raise at least $150 in donations by September 15, 2006.

You must have contacted the Teams Co-chair by September 15 with your team name, and the number of people on your team.

A person who raises $0-$140 in donations must pay the $35 registration fee.
A person who pays the registration fee and then raises $150 does NOT get their money back :(
A person who pays the registration fee may also collect donations :)

At the time of this posting there is still plenty of time (roughly 45 days!) to recruit new team members and work towards raising at least $150 per team member. Check out the official Run website link to see the list of incentive prizes if you raise $300 or more.

Thank you for all your efforts, without you we wouldn't be that much closer to finding a cure.

If you have any questions contact us at

Remove the extra @ sign before sending.

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