Friday, July 14, 2006


Ask your family, friends, and co-workers:
1. Ask. Ask. Ask! Remember, the #1 reason people don’t give is because they
were never asked!
2. Send an email – it’s easy and effective. Complete your registration on the Run
website at, then invite everyone you know to sponsor you ONLINE.
The letter is done for you; just insert your email addresses.

At Home:
1. Communicate your message - Start a letter writing or email campaign to tell
your story.
2. Host a theme party – Ask for a donation of $50, but spend no more than $20
per person on the food. You’ll have $30 per person in donations by the end of the
3. Host a movie party at your house – Rent a new release, make popcorn, pick
up some soft drinks and invite your friends over for a movie night. Ask them to
donate what they would have spent if they had gone to the movie theatre!
4. Answering Machine Message – Change your message to tell everyone who
calls what you are up to. Let them know you need their support!
5. Start a spare change box – put all your extra coins in, or instead of buying a
coffee once a week put in the money you would have spent. Just see how it adds

With Family & Friends:
1. Host a birthday party or other occasion and encourage donations instead of gifts.
2. Organize a car wash or a neighbourhood garage sale
3. Host a party or silent auction.

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