Friday, July 14, 2006

Below is an idea that might interest your team, the committee received this solicitation and is passing it along. Please visit their website for more information.

Allow us to introduce you to a new method of advertising your fundraiser programs.

Simply go to and select your county or region and post your fundraising event for FREE.

Once you have posted your event, you can even print FREE customized posters in support of your event.

When listing an event we recommend you click on "related links" at the bottom of each page. These links will provide helpful tips and hints to make your event a success.

Our sponsors have made it possible for us to provide you with FREE listings. You will note that many of our sponsors are local to your region. We ask you to support our sponsors by clicking on their advertising links or printing and using their coupons.

Once you've listed your event, we invite you to forward this website link to friends and family. The more people who discover and visit this website, the better the opportunities for all.

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